Hi, and welcome to Day MS. My name is Mr. Briskey, and I am the band and orchestra director. I look forward to teaching you next year. It is important that you choose a time for your instrument interview. Although this process is relatively quick, and easy, it is incredibly important. By doing this now, we can not only choose what instrument you will play next year, but what band or orchestra class you will be in. Please click on one of the links below to schedule your time to meet with me.
If there are any issues or these times do not work for you please email me at ebriskey@tvusd.us so we can arrange a time.
DMS Elective Choice Sheet
Click here to complete your elective choice sheet.
Welcome to beginning strings. On this page you will find a lot of information about what it means to be in beginning strings. To the left there is a brochure, a postcard with QR codes to learn about different instruments, and a video showing and explaing what it means to be in beginning strings. There are a few important things that you need to understand before choosing beginning strings as your elective.
- You do not need any music experience to be in Orchestra. We start at the very beginning. No matter who you are we, together, will get you playing and enjoying band.
- Beginning Strings is a year long elective, you can change your elective for 7th grade, but choosing band is a commitment at least for the year.
- The school only provides the following instruments: String Bass. All other instruments are provided by you.
- Normally we have instrument interviews to allow students to find the instrument that is the right fit, with the changes we are all facing, we will be doing this when school starts next year. What this means is do not buy an instrument yet. We will find you something that you want to play and are successful on next school year.
Many students and parents have questions about what to expect when they join band or orchestra. In addition to playing every day during class we have concerts (only 2 a year), we go to competitions, and have fun trips. We even through a huge party this year for only band and orchestra students that had 2 video game trucks, movies, and laser tag. This year we earned Superior ratings (the best you can do) at a competition at TVHS, we also competed at Knott's Berry Farm, and worked with other musicians at Disneyland. Even though it was hard work we had a lot of fun. Here are a few photos.
Although we do a lot of work, we have a lot of fun. If you are the kind of person who finds fun and satisfaction in accomplishing goals, and hardwork this is the class for you. Although we work really hard, we are one of the most successful band programs in Southern California, and we have some amazing trips . If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Mr. Briskey
Eddie Briskey
Band and Orchestra Director James L Day Middle School
951-699-8138 x 1601