Counseling Announcements & Updates
24/25 Spring Defender Academy - Student Reflection Form
The DMS Counseling Appointment Form has been updated for the 24/25 school year.
Students can now coordinate 1:1 meetings with the DMS counseling department.
The link is also located on the left side toolbar.
24 Local Resources and Important Contact links on one sheet. Updated 8/22/24. Click HERE.
Family University / Taller para Familias: Click HERE. Haga clic AQUI para mas informacion.
Requesting Online District Assistance (link to TVUSD Communications Department website): Click HERE.
DMS Counselors will be working with students through grade level Canvas classrooms, which will provide academic, social/emotional and college/career support.
COMING SOON: To access the DMS Counseling Canvas site to become an Observer: Click here.